As it has been a while since the last report, let's get started with a brand-new Boundless report!
Stansted Update:
After some hard work by the team, the Stansted V2.1 update has been released to our store, some of the key features that are included are:
X-Plane 12 compatibility
SAM compatibility
Custom animated ground traffic
Brand new runway textures
Improved performance & more
If you currently own Stansted, V2.1 is a free upgrade - click here for more information.
If you do not own Stansted yet, it currently has a discount on our store: 20% off until the 15th of May.

UK Helipads Pack pt2:
We are pleased to say that Ally has finished all of the helipads for the second UK helipads pack. This leaves some final details to be added as well as a quick polish-up. We anticipate to release this project quite soon, below is a preview of one of the helipads that are included in the pack. When Ally has finished the final detailing he will continue to make progress on Prestwick airport, which we announced in the previous report - stay tuned for more news and previews!

General Information:
We are happy to announce that Paris Vatry currently is in final testing stages, so expect more news as well as previews on this project soon. Furthermore, we have continued to make good progress on our big mystery project, which stays a mystery for now.
That's all for this time, see you next time!
The Boundless Team